We understand the importance of compatibility between a caregiver and a senior. We will make sure that the right person is there for you.
Your loved one’s care will be tailored to his or her individual requirements and condition, based on our free comprehensive assessment.
Now more than ever, it is very important to stay connected with our friends and family. We offer one-on-one lessons to make sure you can use your personal devices fully and independently.
Companionship and emotional support are crucial to the wellness of your parents in their senior years. Surrounding them with everything they are comfortable with keeps them connected and happy.
We provide compassionate and attentive home health care to your loved ones, maintaining their independence in the safety of their surroundings. Having an in-home caregiver allows you and your family to feel at ease knowing that your loved ones are in good hands.
(613) 981-5995
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(613) 981-5995
Although our caregivers are unable to administer medications through injections, IV therapy, suppositories or force feeding by law, our caregivers can ensure that your loved ones are taking the proper medication at the suitable time in order to comply with doctor’s prescription. Our caregivers will be the extra set of eyes needed to ensure that you or your loved ones are safe while taking new medications, mixing medications or simply being there to provide comfort during this time.